iCloud outage

iCloud outage takes down backups and photos for some users, showing the need for the iXflash!

Vinpower Digital (偉得科技)於CES 2020展出最新iXflash系列手機完整備份方案,充電中同時備份。另有多種儲存媒體與備份產品讓大家大開眼界

Vinpower Digital (偉得科技)是一家為光學儲存拷貝系統解決方案的領導供應商,總公司位於美國加州洛杉磯,台灣分公司偉得科技位於桃園市,業務網遍佈全世界。該公司主要產品有:光學拷貝系統、拷貝控制卡研發與製造、光學拷貝自動控制、光碟列印整合方案等等,這些產品主打利基市場。其完整拷貝的高品質與高效率,榮獲業者青睞。

PioData iXflash Flash Drive

PioData is no stranger to the data storage industry. Established in 2002, the company got its start as a distributor of optical drives and recordable media. PioData expanded its product lineup to include duplicators, LCD monitors and digital cameras before becoming a casualty of the highly competitive optical storage market. PioData's story does not end there though. A few years ago, Vinpower Digital re-launched the brand to fill a void left by a top Japanese manufacturer when it decided to exit the optical disc drive market. In addition to optical drives and blank media, PioData currently offers a growing number of flash based storage solutions.



Optiarc VP Series 480GB Solid State Drive

Optiarc is no stranger to the data storage industry. Originally established in 2006 as a joint venture between Sony and NEC, Optiarc combined the technologies and expertise of its parent companies to provide some of the best optical drives in the world. Sony soon took over NEC's share of the company, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. By 2013 though, Sony would be forced to shut Optiarc's doors. Despite having a 15% market share, increased competition from overseas manufacturers had forced the price of optical drives down to unsustainable levels. Thankfully, Optiarc's story does not end there. In 2017, Vinpower Digital acquired rights to the brand and re-launched it with a new series of DVD writers.

iXflash: Piodata’s Wonderful iDevice media library

Since their introduction in late 2000, I have collected a whole host of flash drives to use for a variety of purposes. The USB-A male connector was the original link to my computer, and it continues to be the anchor for most such devices. Many other changes have been added over the past 19 years, and this is a review of a great new version.

QNAP Collaborates with Vinpower Digital for TVS-882BR Blu-ray NAS

QNAP Systems, Inc. partnered with Vinpower Digital, a leading supplier in Optical Disc hardware and media solutions, to integrate Vinpower's industrial-grade blu-ray optical disc drive for the TVS-882BR Blu-ray NAS series, allowing users to write NAS-based content directly onto CD, DVD, or Blu-ray optical discs as an additional back-up solution.